Welcome to www.luvesthercrew.co.uk, the official blog brought to you from the techy crew on the current UK tour of the pop musical 'Luv Esther'. If you've not heard about Luv Esther, check out the official site at www.luvesther.com which will explain all! The techs will update this site as much as they can with all the fun, antics, info and pics from behind the scenes life on tour!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


If you are an avid crewblog reader - and I'm sure that you are, you will no doubt be thinking "hang on, havent they already done preston?" and you'd be right. The boys are back in town...

This was an extra special gig for us, no - we're not talking about the quirky chain hoist load in, the great showers or meeting our friend zach the venue dog again, but the fact that it time to say goodbye to some of our most valued crew and best friends. for Sven, Rachel, Anna and Paul, this was the last show with Luv Esther. And befitting such an occasion, the get in, food, show and get out were great and went without a hitch. Here's a little bit about those moving on...

Sven - Well what can be said about our svender? he was there from before the beginning and without him the gear, the shows and the crew team just wouldnt have worked. Sven has looked after everything technical, including us, and we will all really miss him. He is moving on to do freelance work alongside tim strat, one of our sound engineers.

Rachel - Rachel has looked after the costumes, wardrobes, and pretty much everything the cast need backstage, to ensure that every single show goes smoothly and the cast get on stage, with clothes on, at the right time.

Anna - Anna has been the boss of the team for the whole tour up to now, and has sorted out pretty much everything we do, she tells us when to get up, when to sleep, when to eat, where to go and what to do. She is the person who liases with the venue staff, sorts out the problems and makes sure everything gets done.

Paul - Paul has been the muscle in our crew and also a fantastic followspot operator. He is moving on to study mechanics.

Thanks for the fantastic memories and fun we all had, and may God bless you as you move on. We love you all!

Luv Esther Day Out

After the Liverpool Gig the entire cast and crew stayed up north and went for a day out in the hills, organised by emily aspin and her parents, who made a massive picnic for us. It was a lovely hot day and we arrived in a valley by a river and settled down for lunch.

Well, most people settled down. Being blokes, myself and Craig decided to climb the biggest hill we could see just becuase it was there, and set off...

We made our way back down a rather steep slope and then joined the other cast and crew who were attempting to cross the river on a series of stepping stones. Of course we fell in and ended up swimming down the river and through some little rapids, unaware that we were picking up little leeches along the way....

The day ended with a meal at emily's friends house before driving over to preston for the next gig... the day seemed to tire us all out, as no-one could keep awake on the journey and presented some perfect photo opportunities.


Well.... where do we start... we stayed at a travelodge in Liverpool the night before the gig and the fire alarm went off at 12.30. This is not good news for a sleepy crew. So we ended up outside in the carpark in various states of undress while 2 fire engines landed and every room was checked for a fire. An hour later they left and we were told that it was due to the "hot weather". Back to bed then.

Chhalm down, chhalm down...Now all of us on the crew love liverpool. we really do. But when you see a local running off down the road with your low smoke machine after 15 minutes of being at the venue..... well it doesnt really help a city's reputation now does it!? Well thats what happened, and thankfully some guys from the building next to us managed to run after them and we got our beloved Le Maitre G300 back.

Get in was ok, it was the hottest gig we have done so far so we were all sweaty and smelly. loads of nasty bins by the load in door made matters worse but the team all battled on and got the job done , despite all our frayed tempers. We had the pleasure of having liz green with us for this gig, she came along to see what anna's job entails as this was her penultimate gig with Luv Esther.

Show went well, the venue was set up as a comedy club with caberet style seating and tables downstairs, which was a change for us. Get out was good and we all went back to the travelodge praying that there would be no fire alarms going off.