Lighting Programming & Dress Rehearsals
Well, here we are back in Rochdale but this time with the cast and some new crew members. Its great news to finally have a full crew, just 14 days before the tour starts. We are joined by Neil and Alex who is our backup member for when the worst happens to someone. Its also good to have Cate and Rachel the new dressers along. Theres not much to say about this week really its quite a slow, dull job trawling through the show recording the lights into the desk, hopefully we will have finished this process by Wednesday evening.
Other than that its phonecalls galore for everyone trying to get the first few shows ready, and it seems there are alot of little issues to resolve, all in all very daunting but wont it be great to finally get on the road and do some shows?
Other than that its phonecalls galore for everyone trying to get the first few shows ready, and it seems there are alot of little issues to resolve, all in all very daunting but wont it be great to finally get on the road and do some shows?