Welcome to www.luvesthercrew.co.uk, the official blog brought to you from the techy crew on the current UK tour of the pop musical 'Luv Esther'. If you've not heard about Luv Esther, check out the official site at www.luvesther.com which will explain all! The techs will update this site as much as they can with all the fun, antics, info and pics from behind the scenes life on tour!

Sunday, June 11, 2006


Hello blog lovers!!

well... we had a lovely time in ipswitch, we got there the night before and did the travelodge thing. i bravely got the guys to cut my hair again, and this time as far as i know there isnt a big wedge cut out the back of my head. the following morning the get in went well apart from a zig zag disabled access ramp that everything had to be wheeled down, but things went up without any major issues. It was fun to have the legend tim strat with us doing the sound this time.

Lunch and dinner was provided by the lovely local church organisers, which definately beats the usual mcdonalds.


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