Welcome to www.luvesthercrew.co.uk, the official blog brought to you from the techy crew on the current UK tour of the pop musical 'Luv Esther'. If you've not heard about Luv Esther, check out the official site at www.luvesther.com which will explain all! The techs will update this site as much as they can with all the fun, antics, info and pics from behind the scenes life on tour!

Friday, November 04, 2005


Power Shower Rating - 4 (Travelodge)
Breakfast Rating - 5 (MacDonalds (AGAIN!!))

Well it was another interesting gig. We always knew it was going to be a squeeze to get luv esther into this venue and it was. Faced with the task of getting our ground support into a venue with a ceiling height of under 5m when our normal truss height is 6m was always going to be a slightly different adventure for us.

After some debate we decided the best plan was to put on our bodging hats and raid the hardware case for as many ratchet straps as possible. With several ratchets in hand the process of securing our home made "truss booster seats" into place began and it was a thing of beauty.

The rest of the setup was fairly tight the top the set touching the ceiling in places...After much grunting and sweating the process was finished. There was even time for 40mins relaxation before the show began. All in all a good day was had by all.

A spacious venue but no headroom

Sven servicing a Martin Mac 250

Craig securing the truss, extra height needed to clear projection angle

Sam on balcony almost touching a Martin Mac