Welcome to www.luvesthercrew.co.uk, the official blog brought to you from the techy crew on the current UK tour of the pop musical 'Luv Esther'. If you've not heard about Luv Esther, check out the official site at www.luvesther.com which will explain all! The techs will update this site as much as they can with all the fun, antics, info and pics from behind the scenes life on tour!

Friday, October 21, 2005


Power Shower Rating - 9
Breakfast Rating - 6 (Croissants)

Another day, another venue. And perhaps more to the point another venue with an interesting Load In. Once Nick had shoe-horned his truck into the alleyway down the side of the venue we managed to start unloading...this involved a flight of stairs and a turn through a doorway into the venue itself.

It felt like quite a long setup and things didn't exactly go smoothly, but as always the crew pushed through and were ready to go with at least an hour before "doors". Just time for a lovely portion of Lasagne and salad and another glass of coca cola...what would I do without it. Another "almost Faultless" show, followed by a de-rig then back to the hotel...after bump starting the van which has developed an annoying habit of running out of battery energy everytime you think about something other than it. Then back to the hotel for a well deserved night of sleep.


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